WordPress Family Award <3



I got this nomination from Jenn at A Little Bit Of Girl Geekery <--click to go to her blog! The other from B over at Dark Beauty Makeup <– Click to go see her! Both of these ladies are fabulous, awesome and very sweet! ❤ ❤

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 6 other bloggers who have made an impact on your blogging experience in such a way that they feel like “family.”
4. Let your 6 “WordPress family members” know that you have awarded them.
5. Spread the love!

I remember when I started my blog, I was terrified of posting! Thankfully there are a ton of amazing people over here, who helped me stay on track and keep me posting! So thank you all for that!

1~ Etta’s Threads: Etta is sooooo sweet, and was one of my first followers. She always has the nicest things to say!  She is always looking cute! ❤ ❤ her!!

2~Amriaa’s Blog M is another sweety! I get to chit chat with her on Twitter quite a bit! She has some gorgeous eyes, that she does some gorgeous looks on!

3~Kitsu: Another one of my first followers, which really helped me keep up with my posts. I’m a sucker for nail blogs too, and she has some really great posts!

4~Dark Beauty Makeup: I know B sent me a nod, but she was another of my first follows and other that helped my keep posting. I’m pretty sure she has liked every single post I have up here, and was also my first real Facebook like as well I think! ❤ ❤

5~atkokosplace: She is one of my top commenters, and always has something sweet and uplifting to say!

6~Open. For anyone who is reading this and wants to participate. So consider yourself nominated!

5 thoughts on “WordPress Family Award <3

  1. Thanks so much for nominating me, I am so glad you enjoy our little chats as much as I do yaaay 😀 This is an awesome award, I’ve never thought about how much we influence each other in blogging, and we seriously do, can’t read someone’s thoughts without analyzing. I’ll be doing the post soon, I can’t wait haha. xX

  2. I had no idea I was one of your first followers! I always assumed that you had tons because you’re so talented with makeup! Thanks again for the nomination 😀

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